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14.01.2014 Israele, l'ultimo saluto ad Ariel Sharon
Tutte le immagini del funerale

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 14 gennaio 2014
Pagina: 1
Autore: redazione
Titolo: «Israele, l'ultimo saluto ad Ariel Sharon»

An Israeli military vehicle carries Sharon's coffin. One of Israel's greatest and most divisive figures, Sharon rose through the ranks of the military, moving into politics and overcoming scandal and controversy to become prime minister at the time of his stroke

Israeli army officers sit at the back of a military jeep with the flag draped coffin of Sharon after a memorial ceremony at the Knesset. Israel paid homage to Sharon at the first of two funeral services to be held on Monday for a man hailed as a war hero at home but seen by many in the Arab world as a war criminal

The convoy with the body of the former Prime minister arrives at the grave site where his second wife Lily is buried at the family ranch Havat Shikmin, near the Israeli city of Sderot in the southern Negev desert

People watch as the convoy makes its way to the farm, come six miles away from the Gaza strip

Female Israeli soldiers carry wreaths of flowers for the burial ceremony of Sharon. Israel's army says two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip just hours ahead of the controversial leader's funeral, but they did not appear to have landed in Israel

People line the passage to the farm as Israel said its last farewell to the late Sharon on Monday with a state ceremony outside the parliament building before his flag-draped coffin was taken on a cross-country procession to its final resting place

Crowds stood along the roadside and on bridges, snapping pictures and getting a final glimpse of the coffin as the procession of vehicles left Jerusalem and snaked down the highway outside the city's picturesque hills

The convoy made a brief stop at Latrun, the site of a bloody battle where Sharon was wounded during Israel's war of independence in 1948, for a brief military ceremony before continuing south. His coffin was lowered into the ground in a military funeral at the family farm in southern Israel

A picture of the final resting place of former Israeli prime minister has been released, ahead of his military funeral today

At Sharon's graveside, his son Gilad remembered his father for overcoming the odds, whether it was battling a Palestinian uprising after becoming prime minister in 2001 or clinging to life in his final days even after his kidneys had stopped functioning

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, US Vice President Joe Biden, Israeli President Shimon Peres, former British prime minister Tony Blair, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert and other guests attending the Funeral ceremony of the late former prime minister

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (right) shakes hands with Omri Sharon, the older son of the former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel (Arik) SharonFormer British Prime Minister Tony Blair (right) shakes hands with Omri Sharon, the older son of the former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel (Arik) Sharon and right, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, wearing sunglasses, stands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his wife Sarah, and Mideast Envoy Blair

Tony Blair heralded Ariel Sharon as 'a giant of this land' at the state memorial service. He said Sharon had the 'idea that the Jewish people, so often victims of injustice and persecution, should have a state where they could be independent and free'

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (standing) shakes hands with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden during a memorial ceremony for the former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon at the Knesset, Israel's parliament, in Jerusalem on Monday

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden speaks near the flag draped coffin of Sharon. 'The security of his people was always Arik's unwavering mission - a non-breakable commitment to the future of Jews, whether 30 years or 300 years from now,' Biden said, using Sharon's nickname

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, noting he had not always seen eye-to-eye with Sharon on policy matters, hailed the former leader's commitment to Israel's security.
'Arik understood that in matters of our existence and security, we must stand firm,' Netanyahu said.
'Israel will continue to fight terror. Israel will continue to strive for peace, while protecting our security. Israel will act in every way to deny Iran the capability of arming itself with nuclear weapons'

The coffin of Sharon is carried after a memorial ceremony outside the Knesset

In addition to Biden and Blair, the prime minister of the Czech Republic, and foreign ministers of Australia and Germany were among those in attendance at Monday's ceremony. Even Egypt, the first Arab country to make peace with Israel, sent a low-level diplomat, its embassy said

Israeli army generals salute the coffin of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at the Knesset plaza, in Jerusalem

Members of the Knesset guard carry the coffin of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres, lays a wreath at former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's coffin

In memory: Israelis light candles next to the coffin of late former leader Ariel Sharon

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