Non solo disinformazione ma anche assenza di notizie
Testata: ANSA Data: 21 luglio 2003 Pagina: 1 Autore: la redazione Titolo: «Mo: Cisgiordania, palestinese ucciso a Jenin; Sparatoria nel settore della colonia israeliana di Kadim»
Sul sito dell'Ansa, in data 20 luglio 2003, è stata riportata la seguente notizia:
Mo: Cisgiordania, palestinese ucciso a Jenin; Sparatoria nel settore della colonia israeliana di Kadim. Un palestinese e' stato ucciso in uno scontro a fuoco con soldati israeliani a est della citta' di Jenin, nel nord della Cisgiordania. Lo hanno reso noto fonti della sicurezza palestinesi. Lo scontro e' avvenuto nel settore della colonia israeliana di Kadim.
Perchè nel titolo della notizia si parla di un palestinese ucciso a Jenin? Perchè nell'articolo si specifica ad "est" della città di Jenin, e successivamente si parla del settore della colonia israeliana di Kadim? Perchè il palestinese voleva entrare nella colonia israeliana? Uno scontro a fuoco non prevedeva uno "scambio" di spari? Forse il palestinese era armato, e voleva forse introdursi nella colonia israeliana? In tal caso, il palestinese non stato ucciso a Jenin: è stato mortalmente ferito in uno scontro a fuoco, mentre cercava di introdursi (armato) in una colonia israeliana. E' questa la vera notizia, molto diversa da quella riportata dall'Ansa. Ma andiamo avanti. Riportiamo le quattro notizie, uscite su diversi quotidiani israeliani in data 21 luglio 2003, che Ansa non ha provedduto a pubblicare. Svista o censura? 1)
Police investigators are increasingly convinced that a Sunday night stabbing in Jerusalem's Yemin Moshe neighborhood was a terrorist act, Army Radio reported Monday. A 67-year-old Israeli sustained moderate injuries in the incident in the upscale Yemin Moshe neighborhood. Eyewitnesses said the saw a Palestinian fleeing the scene after the attack..(..)
An IDF patrol arrested 6 Palestinians this morning who were in possession of a terror suicide bomb belt near the Jewish settlement of Bracha in the West Bank, a military source told The Jerusalem Post. "The anti-terror patrol unit spotted the men in an open field and as the troops approached them they began to flee, leaving behind a daypack," the source said. "Part of the unit gave chase and arrested the terror suspects as other soldiers searched the bag and discovered a suicide bombers belt. We immediately called in IDF sappers to defuse the belt. At present, the Palestinian men have been taken to an IDF base for questioning," the source said. The suicide terror bomb belt was reported to be carrying between 10-15 kilos of explosives and was ready for detonation. The Israel Defense Forces and Israeli police remain on a very high state of alert. Police have requested the public to immediately report, without delay, any suspicious person, object or vehicle by calling telephone number 100.
An explosive device activated by a cellular telephone trigger was detonated along the security wall under construction in the Shomron, near the community of Tzufim. There were no injuries in the afternoon attack.
Cancerous and benign growths can be removed through the use of a non-invasive, experimental device that uses focused ultrasound to break up the tumors. The system, ExAblate 2000, developed by the Israeli InSightec company, is tracked in real-time using an MRI scanner. The treatment is being clinically tested for use in fighting breast cancer, brain tumors and uterine fibroids, and it may preclude the need for many hysterectomies regularly performed today. While experimental trials are underway in medical centers around the world, in Israel, the treatment is already being implemented regularly at Haddasah and Sheba hospitals. And it will shortly be included in the coverage offered by one of Israel’s central health funds, Maccabee, for uterine myoma treatment. At this point, the InSightec treatment for benign uterine tumors has been approved for the general public in Israel, Japan and Europe. InSightec, founded in 1999, is a joint venture of Elbit Medical Imaging and General Electric Medical Sytems. Invitiamo i lettori di ad inviare la propria opinione alla redazione dell'Ansa. Cliccando sul link sottostante si aprirà una e-mail già pronta per essere compilata e spedita.