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Informazione Corretta Rassegna Stampa
21.02.2014 Ecco le immagini dell'Ucraina dominata dallo Zar Putin
decine di morti per le strade

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 21 febbraio 2014
Pagina: 1
Autore: Redazione
Titolo: «Ecco le immagini dell'Ucraina dominata dallo Zar Putin»

Ecco le immagini dell'Ucraina dominata dallo Zar Putin

Shocking footage has emerged of protesters being shot by sniper fire

One clip begins with protesters advancing as a group behind shields

Suddenly several members of the group are sent sprawling, appearing to have been shot

Some of the protesters on the video appear to have been shot dead, while others are clearly badly hurt and shaken

The police snipers made no attempt to conceal themselves

This officer appears to be brandishing an automatic weapon

Grim toll: Activists pay respects to protesters who were killed in clashes with police

Harrowing: An anti-government protester with severe head injuries received during clashes with riot police receives medical care at a makeshift hospital in Kiev

Desperate: Many protestors were injured by sniper fire and reports on how many are dead are conlflicting

Angels of mercy: Medics rig up a makeshift hospital at a hotel  in central Kiev

Dead bodies are seen on the ground after clashes between anti-government protesters and riot police

An injured man reacts as he is attended by anti-government protesters

Medics tend to a gravely wounded anti-government protester in the lobby of the Hotel Ukraine, which has been converted to a medical clinic and makeshift morgue

An anti-government protester shoots an improvised device during clashes with riot police in the Independence Square

A protester prepares to hurl a cobblestone at police

Activists try to protect themselves from fire as they clash with security forces

Body armour: An anti-government protester carries his shield past a bonfire with burning tyres as riot policemen fire live bullets on them in Independence Square

Wounded: An activist is carried away to be treated

Shocking violence: Men cover a dead body in Independence Square in Kiev as anti-government protesters seized back control of it

Ongoing demonstration: Protesters let off fireworks in Independence Square on Wednesday

Protesters burn as they stand behind barricades during clashes with police on Thursday

Recovery: Anti-government protesters get some rest inside a building in Independence Square on Wednesday

Russian leader Vladimir Putin strongly denied accusations he was acting as Yanukovych's puppet master

Molotov cocktails stand ready as protesters prepare their camp for another onslaught

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