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Informazione Corretta Rassegna Stampa
19.02.2014 Iran: un video che immagina l'attacco nucleare contro Israele
il risultato delle trattative con gli ayatollah

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 19 febbraio 2014
Pagina: 1
Autore: Redazione di Haaretz
Titolo: «Un video iraniano che descrive l'attacco nucleare contro Israele»

Riprendiamo dal sito internet di HAARETZ l'articolo in inglese che segue, nel quale viene descritto un video in cui l'Iran simula un attacco nucleare contro Israele. Segnalazione di Giacomo Zippel.
Questo sarebbe il risultato dei negoziati?
Ecco che cosa si ottiene smettendo di 'ficcare le dita negli occhi all'Iran', come si augurava Emma Bonino.
Tendere la mano agli ayatollah non porterà al blocco del loro piano nucleare.

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Ecco il pezzo:

A short animated film being aired across Iran depicts the nuclear destruction of Israel. The film opens with the word ‘Holocaust’ appearing on the screen, with a Star of David underneath it, Israel’s Channel 2 reported on Tuesday.

The airing of the animation comes as talks between Tehran and world powers over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program are resume in Austria.

The film, which started to appear Monday on Iranian websites depicts how the Islamic Republic might respond to an American or Israeli strike on its nuclear facilities.

In the movie, Western nations realize that the Islamic Republic has no intention to cease its nuclear development. To prevent Iran from building a bomb, the United States and its allies decide to take military action to destroy Tehran’s nuclear sites.

In the simulated war that follows, hundreds of Israeli and American fighter planes are seen jetting towards Iran. Ultimately, the jets are beaten back by Iran’s military.

With Iran having successfully defended itself, the simulation then shows Iranian forces going on the offensive. The video cuts to a scene showing Iranian Revolutionary Guard fighter planes flying over Israel, passing through Jerusalem and over the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The final frame of the film leaves little room for doubt as to how this military campaign ends: a nuclear explosion is seen spreading across the screen.

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