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25.09.2013 Martin Gilbert - Israel: a history
Libri Raccomandati

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 25 settembre 2013
Pagina: 1
Autore: Martin Gilbert
Titolo: «Israel: a history»
 Finalmente una Storia di Israele completa e aggiornata. Chi legge in inglese non se la lasci sfuggire. Con l'augurio che un editore intelligente la pubblichi in italiano. In inglese è un best seller !
IC redazione

Martin Gilbert
Israel: a history
Barnes & Nobles

Israel is a small and relatively young country, but its turbulent history has placed it squarely at the centre of the world stage for most of this century. For two millennia the Jews, dispersed all over the world, prayed for a return to Zion. Until the nineteenth century, that dream seemed a fantasy, but then a secular Zionist movement was born and soon the initial trickle of Jewish immigrants to Palestine turned into a flood as Jews fled persecution in Europe.From these beginnings, Martin Gilbert traces the events and personalities that would lead to the sudden, dramatic declaration of Statehood in May 1948. From that point on, Israel's history has been dominated by conflict: Suez, the Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War, the Lebanon and the Intifada. Using contemporary documents and eyewitness accounts, drawing on his own intimate knowledge of the country and its people, Martin Gilbert weaves together a seamless, page-turning history of a powerful and proud nation,with a new chapter to cover the last ten years, bringing the story right up to date: the continuing conflicts, and the ever-present avenues of hope.

Martin Gilbert
Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction
Harper Perennial

In the early hours of November 10, 1938, Nazi storm troopers and Hitler Youth rampaged through Jewish neighborhoods across Germany, leaving behind them a horrifying trail of terror and destruction. Kristallnacht—the Night of Broken Glass—was a decisive stage in the systematic eradication of a people who traced their origins in Germany to Roman times and was a sinister forewarning of the Holocaust. With rare insight and acumen, Martin Gilbert examines this night and day of terror, presenting readers with a meticulously researched, masterfully written, and eye-opening study of one of the darkest chapters in human history.

Martin Gilbert
Churchill and the Jews
Henry Holt and Co.

This work by acclaimed Churchill biographer Gilbert examines an often-neglected aspect of the British leader's career: his relationship to Jews and Jewish issues. Drawing on a treasure trove of primary documents, Gilbert shows that Churchill recognized as early as 1933 that Hitler's regime posed a grave danger for European Jewry. Yet, as Gilbert shows, in the late 1930s, Churchill upset Zionist leaders with his support for limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine out of a concern for British interests in the Arab world. This work is a must-read for those interested in Churchill and in Jewish history.

Martin Gilbert
Atlante di storia ebraica

Martin Gilbert, autore di numerose opere di storia contemporanea, in questo volume illustra con accuratezza le migrazioni del popolo ebraico dai tempi della Mesopotamia fino allo Stato d'Israele dei nostri giorni. Cerca di seguire le strade diverse e talvolta oscure di questo popolo errante e di tracciare la mappa della loro singolare esperienza nei vari periodi con l’ausilio anche di utili cartine. Senza porre un’enfasi eccessiva sui molti aspetti terribili della storia ebraica tratteggia con intensità gli aspetti positivi di circa 4000 anni di vita ebraica. L’atlante di Martin Gilbert è uno strumento di studio e di consultazione prezioso per approfondire la storia del popolo ebraico.

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