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Informazione Corretta Rassegna Stampa
13.08.2013 Bloccare la nomina di Jean Ziegler al Consiglio dei Diritti Umani Onu
la denuncia e la campagna di Hiller Neuer, UN Watch

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 13 agosto 2013
Pagina: 1
Autore: Redazione
Titolo: «Jean Ziegler al Consiglio dei Diritti Umani Onu, una vergogna»

Contro ogni logica, moralità e un minimo di decenza, la Svizzera ha nominato Jean Ziegler al Consiglio dei Diritti Umani alle Nazioni Unite, pur essendo stato smascherato dai media svizzeri quale noto sostenitore di  dittatori crimimali, bugiardo e truffatore, la cui carriera all’Onu aveva già avuto termine  contro la sua volontà lo scorso anno.

Jean Ziegler

UN Watch ha lanciato una campagna globale – informando le ambasciate presso l’Onu a Ginevra- per bloccare l’elezione di Ziegler, uno dei più violenti rappresentanti anti-occidentali, anti-americani e anti-Israele nella storia dell’Onu.

Hillel Neuer               

Ecco la e-mail inviata alle ambasciate Onu a Ginevra, e tutte le informazioni (in inglese) per sostenere la campagna di UN Watch contro la nomina di Jean Ziegler:

Contrary to logic, morality, and basic decency, Switzerland has shockingly nominated Jean Ziegler for election to the UN Human Rights Council, even after the notorious supporter of murderous dictators was exposed as a liar and a fraud by the Swiss media, and had his UN career ended last year against his will.

As you can see below—in our email sent today to all UN embassies in Geneva—UN Watch has launched a global campaign to oppose the election of Ziegler, one of the most anti-American, anti-Western and anti-Israel officials in UN history. Ziegler embodies all that is twisted about the supposedly reformed Council.

Please help our campaign: Click Here Now to Oppose Jean Ziegler.


UN Watch Email Sent Today to UN Ambassadors


UN Watch is a non-governmental human rights organization accredited to the United Nations with Special Consultative Status.

We write in response to the attached Note Verbale in which Switzerland requests your support for the nomination of Mr. Jean Ziegler to the UN Human Rights Council. UN Watch urges you to strongly oppose this candidature, and to ask Switzerland to withdraw the nomination.

We deeply regret that the Note Verbale in support of Mr. Ziegler’s election to the UNHRC Advisory Committee was incomplete, inaccurate and misleading.

To correct the record, we have the honour to present below an annotated version—with the original text in bold—providing missing and material facts, with links to sources.

UN Watch believes that a review of Mr. Ziegler’s record establishes his clear failure to satisfy the official criteria of expertise in human rights, high moral standing, and impartiality.

Thank you for your consideration.


Hillel C. Neuer
Executive Director
UN Watch

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