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Informazione Corretta Rassegna Stampa
30.05.2013 Storia di Israele per immagini
3a puntata

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 30 maggio 2013
Pagina: 1
Autore: Redazione
Titolo: «Buon 65imo anniversario, Israele. Dai pionieri ai giorni nostri, bellissime immagini storiche»
Dal sito internet del DAILYMAIL riprendiamo l'articolo dal titolo " Buon 65imo anniversario, Israele. Dai pionieri ai giorni nostri, bellissime immagini storiche".

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During the Six Day war, the Israelis defended it as a preventative military effort to counter what they saw as an impending attack by Arab nations that surrounded Israel.

A line of Egyptian prisoners,captured during the Israeli advance in June 1967

A line of Egyptian prisoners, captured during the Israeli advance during the Six Day War in June 1967


Israeli troops salute their flag as they occupy Syrian territory during the Six Day War on June 12, 1967
A victorious Israeli convoy in Egypt during the Six-Day War, on June 8, 1967

Left, Israeli troops salute their flag as they occupy Syrian territory during the Six Day War on June 12, 1967; right, May 29, Israeli army's Southern Command General Ariel Sharon (2nd left) meets with his officers at their headquarters a week before the June 5 start of the Six Day war


May 29, Israeli army's Southern Command General Ariel Sharon (2nd left) meets with his officers at their headquarters a week before the June 5 start of the Six-Day War

May 29, Israeli army's Southern Command General Ariel Sharon (2nd left) meets with his officers at their headquarters a week before the June 5 start of the Six-Day War


Israeli troops and armour advance against Egyptian troops at the start of the war, near Rafah, Gaza Strip

Israeli troops and armour advance against Egyptian troops at the start of the war, near Rafah, Gaza Strip


A burnt-out Egyptian aircraft at El Auth airport, Sinai

A burnt-out Egyptian aircraft at El Auth airport, Sinai


Egyptian prisoners captured by Israeli troops, during the Six Day War

Egyptian prisoners captured by Israeli troops, during the Six Day War


An Israeli soldier studies an oil refinery at Port Suez set alight by Israeli shelling
Egyptian MiG-21 warplanes lie destroyed on airfield tarmac after an Israeli Air Force preemptive strike on June 5

Left, an Israeli soldier studies an oil refinery at Port Suez set alight by Israeli shelling; right, Egyptian MiG-21 warplanes lie destroyed on airfield tarmac after an Israeli Air Force preemptive strike on June 5


The Yom Kippur war was fought by a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel from October 6 to 25, 1973.

Israeli army Southern Command General Ariel Sharon (bandaged) with Defence Minister Moshe Dayan (left) during the Yom Kippur War in October on the western bank of the Suez Canal

Israeli army Southern Command General Ariel Sharon (bandaged) with Defence Minister Moshe Dayan (left) during the Yom Kippur War in October on the western bank of the Suez Canal

Despite all their issues, Israelis are among the world’s happiest people. 

Recent surveys by the OECD, Gallup and the United Nations’ World Happiness Report all had Israel near the top.

Most Israelis appear to have developed an ability to block out the nation’s problems and focus on life in a country that just a century ago was just a dream.

Yet it remains a divided society, and its most intractable problem — peace with its Arab neighbors — has yet to be resolved.

The Jewish renaissance in the Holy Land remains a work in progress.


Three young men, believed to be Israeli troops, in the desert near Cairo

Three young men, believed to be Israeli troops, in the desert near Cairo


L-R: Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat, US president Jimmy Carter and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin sign the Egyptian - Israeli peace agreement at the White House

L-R: Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat, US president Jimmy Carter and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin sign the Egyptian - Israeli peace agreement at the White House


Israeli artillery soldiers fire shells at targets in Beirut, Lebanon on July 1

Israeli artillery soldiers fire shells at targets in Beirut, Lebanon on July 1


Israeli army paratroopers advance against a suspected terrorist hide-out during Israel's Peace For Galilee military campaign in the southern quarters of the Lebanese capital of Beirut

Israeli army paratroopers advance against a suspected terrorist hide-out during Israel's Peace For Galilee military campaign in the southern quarters of the Lebanese capital of Beirut


Ultra-Orthodox Jews from the eastern European Vizhnitz sect read from the Scroll of Esther in their synagogue in Bnei Brak during Purim festivities

Ultra-Orthodox Jews from the eastern European Vizhnitz sect read from the Scroll of Esther in their synagogue in Bnei Brak during Purim festivities


A Palestinian Muslim performs his midday prayers in a mosque in the West Bank town of Bethlehem

A Palestinian Muslim performs his midday prayers in a mosque in the West Bank town of Bethlehem

Men pray at The Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, ahead of the Sabbath

Men pray at The Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, ahead of the Sabbath


Israeli soldiers walk past tanks and armored personnel carriers after their return from an early morning patrol in southern Lebanon to a forward base

Israeli soldiers walk past tanks and armored personnel carriers after their return from an early morning patrol in southern Lebanon to a forward base




An Israeli army reservist performs his morning prayers at a forward base

An Israeli army reservist performs his morning prayers at a forward base


A Lebanese family look from a balcony at the destruction in Beirut's southern suburbs August 21, 2006 in Beirut, Lebanon

A Lebanese family look from a balcony at the destruction in Beirut's southern suburbs August 21, 2006 in Beirut. A ceasefire was held after 34 days of warfare between Israel and Hezbollah militants left the south of the city in ruin

A security officer brandishes an assault rifle while guarding members of Lebanon's government on a tour of Beirut's southern suburbs

A security officer brandishes an assault rifle while guarding members of Lebanon's government on a tour of Beirut's southern suburbs


Israeli soldiers prepare to enter Lebanon

Israeli soldiers prepare to enter Lebanon. Several Israeli soldiers were wounded in battle nearby with Hezbollah militants, as Israeli forces expanded their operations in southern Lebanon after the Israeli security committee approved expanded operations


An Israeli soldier jumps down from an armored personnel carrier moments after withdrawing from Lebanon on October 1 at the Zarit gate

An Israeli soldier jumps down from an armored personnel carrier moments after withdrawing from Lebanon on October 1 at the Zarit gate


An Israeli artillery team loads 155mm shells while firing onto suspected Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon

An Israeli artillery team loads 155mm shells while firing onto suspected Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon


And from Catholic nuns and Greek Orthodox to the Passion of the Christ...

Catholic nuns descend to pray in the Grotto under the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

Catholic nuns descend to pray in the Grotto under the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem


Brazilian Evangelist Christians hold a mass baptism in the waters of the Jordan River at Yardenit in northern Israel

Brazilian Evangelist Christians hold a mass baptism in the waters of the Jordan River at Yardenit in northern Israel


Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Irineos I surveys the inside of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Muslim women with covered heads and long black clothing leave the Dome of the Rock

Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Irineos I surveys the inside of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem; right, Muslim women with covered heads and long black clothing leave the Dome of the Rock


An American pilgrim from 'The Hope of Glory' order reenacts the Passion of Christ along the Via Dolorosa during a Good Friday procession

An American pilgrim from 'The Hope of Glory' order reenacts the Passion of Christ along the Via Dolorosa during a Good Friday procession

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