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Informazione Corretta Rassegna Stampa
29.05.2013 Storia di Israele per immagini
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Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 29 maggio 2013
Pagina: 1
Autore: Redazione
Titolo: «Buon 65imo anniversario, Israele. Dai pionieri ai giorni nostri, bellissime immagini storiche»

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Jewish immigrants, arriving in Haifa aboard a refugee ship, wave the future flag of the state of Israel shortly before its official conception

Jewish immigrants, arriving in Haifa aboard a refugee ship, wave the future flag of the state of Israel shortly before its official establishment


Members of the Jewish militia, the Irgun, march through the streets of Tel Aviv on the eve of the declaration of the Jewish State

Members of the Jewish militia, the Irgun, march through the streets of Tel Aviv on the eve of the declaration of the Jewish State

The last of the British troops leave Haifa, Palestine in June

The last of the British troops leave Haifa, Palestine in June


David Ben Gurion, who was to become Israel's first Prime Minister, reads the Declaration of Independence on May 14

David Ben Gurion, who was to become Israel's first Prime Minister, reads the Declaration of Independence on May 14


Future prime minister Golda Meir (centre), who was one of the signatories of the declaration of independence

Future prime minister Golda Meir (centre), who was one of the signatories of the declaration of independence

Jewish refugees swim to shore from the SS United Nations (formerly the Archimedes) which deliberately ran aground at Nahariya near Haifa carrying 700 central European Jews on May 13

Jewish refugees swim to shore from the SS United Nations (formerly the Archimedes) which deliberately ran aground at Nahariya near Haifa carrying 700 central European Jews on May 13


Less than three weeks before Israel's independence, the flag of the future Jewish State is raised at morning parade at a training base on April 27
A Jewish man carries belongings during the evacuation of a city

Left, less than three weeks before Israel's independence, the flag of the future Jewish State is raised at morning parade at a training base on April 27; right, a Jewish man carries belongings during the evacuation of a city


The mayor of the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem, Mordechai Weingarten, is escorted to Arab Legion headquarters by Arab soldiers in June. He was an advocate of co-operation with the British authorities

The mayor of the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem, Mordechai Weingarten, is escorted to Arab Legion headquarters by Arab soldiers in June. He was an advocate of co-operation with the British authorities


At a secret Haganah training camp in hills, recruits are trained in use of firearms. The Haganah was a Jewish paramilitary organisation that would form the core of the Israeli Defence Forces

At a secret Haganah training camp in hills, recruits are trained in use of firearms


Israeli infantry make a full assault on Egyptian forces in the Negev area of Israel during the War of Independence

Israeli infantry make a full assault on Egyptian forces in the Negev area of Israel during the War of Independence


Arab women and children evacuate the village of Zenin
Ariel Sharon holds a Sten gun as a young commander in the Alexandroni Brigade of the fledgling Israeli army

Left, Arab women and children evacuate the village of Zenin; right, Ariel Sharon holds a Sten gun as a young commander in the Alexandroni Brigade of the fledgling Israeli army


Israeli soldiers travel on route 7 to Jerusalem in June during the War of Independence

Israeli soldiers travel on route 7 to Jerusalem in June during the War of Independence



In 1949, Chaim Weizmann became first president of the state of Israel

In 1949, Chaim Weizmann became first president of the state of Israel

1800s: The Zionists start a movement to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.

1917: The Balfour Declaration gives British approval to the effort to create a Jewish homeland. After World War I, the area comes under British control, which allows some Jewish settlement.

1939-45: World War II. Six million Jews killed by Nazis during Holocaust.

1948: On May 14, the State of Israel is proclaimed. David Ben-Gurion is its first prime minister. Neighboring Arab countries declare war, but Israel survives.

1949: Chaim Weizmann becomes first president of the state of Israel.

1950: The Law of Return was passed allowing any Jew to settle in Israel.

1967: During the Six-Day War, Israel attacks Egypt. Israel occupies the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai peninsula and Syria's Golan Heights, and extends its control to all of Jerusalem.

1973: On October 6, during a Jewish holy day, Egypt attacks territory occupied by Israel. The conflict is known as the Yom Kippur War.

1978: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin sign the U.S.-sponsored Camp David Accords. The countries sign a peace treaty on March 26, 1979.

1982: Israel invades Lebanon to drive out Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) fighters who are attacking northern Israel.

1984: Operation Moses sees immigration of Jews from Ethiopia.

1987: A Palestinian uprising against Israel starts in the West Bank and Gaza.

1992: New government headed by Yitzhak Rabin.

1993: The PLO and Israel agree to recognise each other's existence. The treaty is known as the Oslo Accords.

1994: Jordan and Israel sign a peace treaty.

1995: Rabin is assassinated at peace rally and Shimon Peres becomes prime minister.

2000: In September, Palestinians initiated riots after Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount.

2008: The Palestinians and Israelis continue to trade attacks. The U.S. tries to restart the peace process.

2009: Benjamin Netanyahu becomes Prime Minister.

2010: In December, a forest fire rages for four days in northern Israel. It is the biggest and deadliest in Israel’s history.


New Jewish immigrants eat their meal together in a large barracks housing entire families at the Shaar Aliya immigrants' camp in Haifa on July 1

New Jewish immigrants eat their meal together in a large barracks housing entire families at the Shaar Aliya immigrants' camp in Haifa on July 1

A guard tower throws a long afternoon shadow over a new immigrants' camp on December 1 at Beit Lid in the newly established State of Israel

A guard tower throws a long afternoon shadow over a new immigrants' camp on December 1 at Beit Lid in the newly established State of Israel


Before independence, Menachem Begin was leader of the Zionist militant group Irgun
David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of the Jewish State, wears military uniform during a visit to the Negev desert on December 2

Before independence, Menachem Begin (left) was leader of the Zionist militant group Irgun; right, David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of the Jewish State, wears military uniform during a visit to the Negev desert on December 2


A Jewish flag is unfurled at the Israeli Embassy at Manchester Square, London, following Britain's recognition of the new state of Israel

A Jewish flag is unfurled at the Israeli Embassy at Manchester Square, London, following Britain's recognition of the new state of Israel


On the other hand, Segev noted that the country is still grappling with the same basic issue that plagued it in 1948 — its relations with the Palestinians.

Israel remains in control of about 2.5 million Arabs living in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

Israel captured the areas, along with the Gaza Strip, in the 1967 Six Day war, withdrawing from Gaza in 2005.

 The Palestinians claim all three territories for a future state.

Israelis argue that the Palestinians have rejected generous peace offers, a claim the Palestinians reject, pointing to Israel’s construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem as a sign of bad faith.

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