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Informazione Corretta Rassegna Stampa
18.06.2010 Proteste ufficiali della missione israeliana Onu contro Giampaolo Pioli
Ecco la corrispondenza che dimostra come Pioli abbia- di fatto - escluso Israele dalla programmazione di diversi eventi

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 18 giugno 2010
Pagina: 1
Autore: La Redazione
Titolo: «»

Mercoledì 16 giugno ( )  IC ha duramente criticato il comportamento del corrispondente del RESTO del CARLINO/ LA NAZIONE da NewYork Giampaolo Pioli, che usa la sua qualifica di presidente dell'UNCA (United Nations Correspondent Association) per fare propaganda contro Israele.
Pioli ha ricevuto anche le proteste ufficiali della missione israeliana all'Onu.
Pubblichiamo tutta la corrispondenza, dalla quale risulta evidente l'esclusione di fatto di Israele dalla programmazione degli eventi. Come ammette lo stesso Pioli, Israele era stato ammesso solo come invitato a replicare, mentre l'ospite ufficiale al quale era dedicato l'evento era il diffusore della versione di Hamas su fatti della nave turca.
E' intollerabile che due quotidiani come il RESTO del CARLINO  e la NAZIONE abbiano come corrispondente un giornalista che sostiene la propaganda di Hamas, verso il quale è tanto riverente quanto è ostile ai rappresentanti del democratico Stato di Israele.
Come abbiamo già scritto l' altro giorno, invitiamo i nostri lettori a scrivere ai direttori dei due quotidiani per sapere che opinione hanno sul comportamento del loro corrispondente da New York cliccando sulle e-mail sottostanti

Il Resto del Carlino :

La Nazione :

Giampaolo Pioli

Tutta la corrispondenza che segue fa parte della documentazione intercorsa fra  Giampaolo Pioli e Mirit Cohen:

1) Ecco la lettera di Mirit Cohen, missione israeliana all'Onu:

Sent: 6/17/2010 4:35:02 P.M. W. Europe Daylight Time
Subj: From the Israeli mission to the UN

Dear Mr. Pioli, Please find attached a letter of complaint regarding the screening last week.You will also get a hard copy soon with the film I wanted to screen at the event.Hope we will have better cooperation in the future,Best,


Segue la lettera con la protesta ufficiale:

17 June 2010

Dear Mr. Pioli,  

I write this letter of complaint to officially protest your mishandling of the events surrounding the screening of footage by Ms. Iara Lee on 9 June 2010 at United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Offering UN media facilities to screen video produced by a one-sided activist while actively preventing a Member State of the United Nations an opportunity to respond in real time is severely unethical. In the current circumstances, your decision to ban the Permanent Mission of Israel from offering any feedback or comment during the aforementioned screening ensured that the reporters invited to the event would be offered only part of the story rather than a more complete set of facts so that they themselves could have made an informed analysis of the events in question. Furthermore, the fact that you cancelled the participation of the Permanent Mission of Israel only two hours prior to the commencement of the screening raises grave doubts as to the reasons behind this decision.  

I have shared these concerns with you directly, though I believe that the members of the UN Correspondents Association deserve a more comprehensive set of facts regarding the events that took place onboard the Mavi Marmara on 31 May 2010. As such, I have decided to share with the members of UNCA the footage prepared by Israel.  

In conclusion, I certainly expect that you will look into the decision that led to Israel’s nonparticipation in the event on 9 June. Furthermore, I expect an official apology from you and your association regarding this mistake. I – along with fair-minded journalists – expect that you as the President of the United Nations Correspondents Association would exercise responsible journalistic practices and demonstrate a commitment to balanced and objective news.

Thank you for attention to this unfortunate matter.


CC:      H.E. Gabriela Shalev, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Israel
H.E. Daniel Carmon, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Israel
Ms. Ady Schonmann, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of Israel
Ms. Aliza Landes, IDF Spokesperson’s Office
Mr. Martin Nesirky, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General 

Mirit Cohen
Spokesperson, Mission of Israel to the UN

La risposta di Giampaolo Pioli a Mirit Cohen:

New York
June 17, 2010

Dear Ms Cohen,

Your letter of protest came as a surprise to members of the United Nations Correspondents Association.  It is factually incorrect and distorts the exchanges that took place on June 10 (not June 9) between UNCA and your mission.

Contrary to your claim, at no time were we "actively preventing a Member State of the United Nations an opportunity to respond in real time" to the screening of footage by Ms. Iara Lee at United Nations Headquarters in New York. You know very well that that's not what happened. Even more preposterous is your insinuation that we have some kind of ulterior motive: “(T)he fact that you cancelled the participation of the Permanent Mission of Israel only two hours prior to the commencement of the screening raises grave doubts as to the reasons behind this decision.”

Instead it was you who turned down our offer to screen your Israeli film and make your statement directly before or after Ms. Lee's presentation, you who refused to take the stage alongside Ms. Lee to present your side of the story, you who declined to take questions from UNCA journalists -- a requirement for all UNCA presentations.

What was your reason for turning down our offers?  You were tired out by our discussions during which you raised your voice with me and rejected all of our proposals for how you could participate.  As you put it in your email: "I have to admit that I am exhausted from all this process and we won't take part at this one sided event." (see our email exchange below)

UNCA sees no reason to apologize.  UNCA Executive Committee members behaved fairly and professionally, offering both sides the chance to present their version of what happened on May 31.  We wanted a balanced event but you were not willing to take part in one.  Your approach to our organization was both undignified and unprofessional.  If anyone is owned an apology it is the United Nations Correspondents Association. 

We hope to have better cooperation in the future based on mutual respect. 


Giampaolo Pioli

UNCA President
on behalf of the UNCA Executive Committee

CC: H.E. Gabriela Shalev, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Israel
        H.E. Daniel Carmon, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission
        of Israel
        Ms. Ady Schonmann, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of Israel
        Ms. Aliza Landes, IDF Spokesperson’s Office
        Mr. Martin Nesirky, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General


Email exchange between Pioli and Cohen from June 10:

In a message dated 6/10/2010 9:00:55 P.M. W. Europe Daylight Time, writes:

Questa è in ordine la mail conclusiva di mirit Cohen:

Thanks Giampaolo,

But I have to admit that I am exhausted from all this process and we
won't take part at this one sided event,
Thank you anyway and I do hope for a better cooperation in the future,


On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 2:15 PM,  wrote:
> dear mirit
> do you think it would work to show your film and make your statement at 10
> minutes before 4pm (1550)? we can send out an email now to all unca members
> so that we get back-to-back film showings. the advantage is that you
> would get the first word.
>we would like to repeat our request that you take questions. unca members agreed after a problematic climate change event last year that everyone using unca as a forum for presentations must take questions. if you do not, that's up to you, but you will get a few questions thrown at you and there's nothing we can do to stop that. please let me know asap if you can live with that.
> giampaolo
> In a message dated 6/10/2010 7:15:44 P.M. W. Europe Daylight Time,
>  writes:
> That won't going to happen, I'm sorry. It's only five minutes that I
> insist to screen right after her film as a comment. If you won't allow
> it the Israeli mission will consider to send a formal letter of
> complaint to the SG and you should know that the Israeli press going
> to write about this saga.
> Please let me know what you decide.

> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 1:09 PM, wrote:
>> dear Mirit
>> we must show the IDF film after the Q and A with Iara Lee
>> Un correspondent will attend your event and you will have the same Q and A time.
>> In a message dated 6/10/2010 6:02:37 P.M. W. Europe Daylight Time,
>>  writes:
>> Please find bellow the link to the short film from the IDF
>> spokesperson unit re the events on the Mavi Marmara, which we ask to
>> screen today after the other film. we will make a short statment as
>> well.
>> Thank you,
>> Mirit Cohen.

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