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14.01.2010 Robert Wistrich - A lethal obsession
Libri Raccomandati

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 14 gennaio 2010
Pagina: 1
Autore: Robert Wistrich
Titolo: «A Letal Obsession»

Robert Wistrich
A Lethal Obsession
Random House

In this major work of historical synthesis, the author, Professor of European and Jewish history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,  offers abundant evidence that genocidal anti-Semitism, and apologetics and indifference about is not only a matter of the history of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust: it remains a key element of contemporary affairs. Lethal Obsession presents a profound interpretation of anti-Semitism both before and after 1945. Wistrich - who writes with the interpretive grasp of a historian of the first rank as well as with the passion and urgency that is so essential in the face of the genocidal threats made against Israel and the Jews in recent year - offers remarkable details of the persistence and permutation of this hallucinatory set of ideas within Europe as well as in the Middle East, North Africa and Iran.

Robert Wistrich
Hitler e l’Olocausto

Dove vanno cercate le origini dell'antisemitismo? Qual è stato il ruolo della chiesa cattolica e di quelle protestanti nella creazione dello stereotipo negativo dell'ebreo? Attraverso quale catena di misure sempre più repressive i nazisti sono arrivati alla "soluzione finale"? Che rapporto c'è fra la guerra mondiale e l'olocausto? Wistrich si sofferma anche su aspetti che di solito non trovano spazio nelle ricostruzioni generali: la diffusa collaborazione delle popolazioni locali allo sterminio nelle nazioni dell'Europa orientale invase dall'esercito tedesco e la sottovalutazione della realtà dell'olocausto, nel corso della guerra, da parte degli Stati Uniti.

Robert Wistrich
Laboratory for World Destruction: Germans and Jews in Central Europe
University of Nebraska Press

During the sixty years between the founding of Bismarck’s German Empire and Hitler’s rise to power, German-speaking Jews left a profound mark on Central Europe and on twentieth-century culture as a whole. How would the modern world look today without Einstein, Freud, Marx, or Kafka? Without a whole galaxy of other outstanding Jewish scientists, poets, historians, and philosophers? How was it possible that this vibrant period in Central European cultural history collapsed into the horror and mass murder of the Nazi Holocaust? Robert Wistrich has written a book which is not only profound in its analysis of modern Jewish identity in central Europe and outstanding in its feel for nuance, but is also a study marked by a wonderful clarity of thought and expression

Robert Wistrich
The Jews of Vienna in the Age of Franz Joseph

This highly acclaimed study depicts and evaluates in an original and imaginative fashion the 'Golden Age' of Viennese Jewry during the long reign of Emperor Franz Joseph II. Based on exhaustive and meticulous research, Professor Wistrich's reconstruction of the place of the Jews in the Austro-Hungarian Empire provides a multitude of new insights not only into the factors that accompanied its rise, but also into the ideological conflicts that have marked the twentieth century.

Robert Wistrich
Who's who in Nazi Germany

The author's skillful interweaving of characters and events succeeds in presenting to us a comprehensive record of Hitler's Reich. By cool, dispassionate reporting he exposes a liturgy of evil.

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