L’11 giugno 2009 NGO Monitor segnala che la ONG palestinese Al Haq, che raccoglie fondi pubblici e privati come organizzazione umanitaria che agisce in difesa dei diritti civili, ha fatto causa a tre aziende canadesi che hanno fornito materiali per la costruzione degli insediamenti di Kiryat Sefer, accusandole di collaborazione nell’illegale costruzione di edifici nelle zone occupate del West Bank. Recentemente aveva già fatto causa ad aziende inglesi che vendono attrezzature militari a Israele. Al Haq agisce in cooperazione con Bet’selem e con il legale israeliano Michael Sfard. Al Haq è sovvenzionata anche da alcuni governi europei. D’accordo o non d’accordo, si tratta di attività legale.
Però andando un po’ più a fondo c’è una sorpresa: il presidente di Al Haq è Shaawan Jabarin . Ricorsi alla Corte Suprema d’Israele presentati da Shaawan Jabarin sono già stati respinti tre volte, perché si tratta di persona che risulta coinvolta in organizzazioni terroristiche.
Ecco come la Corte Suprema ha valutato Shawaan Jabarin nel respingere le sue richieste:
Following two hearings, on March 10, 2009, the Supreme Court issued an opinion that:
We found that the material pointing to the petitioner’s involvement in the activity of terrorist entities is concrete and reliable material. We also found that additional negative material concerning the petitioner has been added even after his previous petition was rejected. This negative basis strengthens the security authorities’ position, according to which the prohibition placed on the petitioner leaving the country is not intended for “punishment” for his forbidden activity, but due to relevant security considerations.
On July 7, 2008, in its decision regarding an appeal by Jabarin, the court noted:
We are dealing with reliable information according to which the petitioner is among the senior activists of the terrorist organization, The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
And in June 2007, after another appeal, the court again found that:
This petitioner is apparently active as a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, in part of his hours of activity he is the director of a human rights organization, and in another part he is an activist in a terrorist organization which does not shy away from acts of murder and attempted murder, which have nothing to do with rights, and, on the contrary, deny the most basic right of all, the most fundamental of fundamental rights, without which there are no other rights – the right to life.
Laura Camis de Fonseca