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Attacco antisemita nel silenzio dei media 16/08/2007

gentile redazione di informazione corretta.com,
Il 13.8.07 una giovane ebrea francese di 23 anni si stava recando in una sinagoga quando degli uomini di origini africane hanno cominciato ad urlare "sei una sporca ebrea", perche' avevano visto la stella di Davide al suo collo. La giovane e' stata fisicamente attaccata ed ha successivamente dovuto ricorrere alle cure del medico. Questo atto di antisemitismo e' passato nel silenzio dei media italiani ma non in quello degli israeliani, vedi sotto la notizia in inglese. 
A. Levy
da Israele  


Anti-Semitic attack against Jewish woman in Paris
Jewish Agency reports young woman attacked by two men who beat her up, uttered snit-Semitic slurs

Yael Branovsky Published: 08.13.07, 20:03 / Israel Jewish Scene

A 23-year-old Jewish woman was attacked in Paris this week by two masked men of African descent, who beat her up and uttered anti-Semitic slurs, the Jewish Agency reported Monday.

Following the attack the young woman needed medical treatment. The local police launched an investigation into the incident.

The Jewish Agency further reported that another anti-Semitic incident took place in the French capital two weeks ago, when a young haredi man was battered by a cab driver.

According to the report, the youth was on his way to the synagogue with his brother-in-law and nephew, when the driver began shouting anti-Semitic slurs at them.

At some point, the driver got out of the car, grabbed a metal bar and began hitting the young man, breaking his arm; he was later evacuated to the hospital. A police investigation was launched into this attack as well.

Some 50 anti-Semitic incidents have taken place in France since the beginning of the year, the Jewish Agency said.

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