sabato 05 ottobre 2024
I numeri telefonici delle redazioni
dei principali telegiornali italiani.

Ordine cronologico - Ordine alfabetico
The abuse of holocaust Memory: distorsions and responses 22/02/2011 -

Manfred Gerstenfeld
The abuse of holocaust Memory: distorsions and responses
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
Anti-Defamation League

Written with exemplary tenacity and courage, this volume's urgency is proven by its resolve to unmask and denounce the nefarious ugliness of Holocaust abuse and denial. The author, chairman of the Board of Fellows of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, offers a much needed study of the myriad of ways in which the memory of the genocide of the Jews during World War II is being manipulated and distorted in modern discourse. This volume demonstrates that words do matter, and especially language and symbolism surrounding the Holocaust, today's embodiment of supreme evil. Also included are case studies that analyze Holocaust distortion in several European countries and the Muslim world.

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The Oslo idea 04/06/2012 -

Raphael Israeli
The Oslo Idea
Transaction Publishers

The Oslo Idea traces the roots of the current campaign to delegitimize Israel. The author deconstructs the immense illusion of the Oslo peace accords, which initiated the so-called “peace process.” He shows how Oslo lured a naive Israeli leadership into a trap. He shows how outside factors, bent on finding and supporting an evasive peace, have helped perpetuate the fiasco Oslo represents. He shows how Oslo’s supporters have advanced the “peace process” by coaxing and threatening Israel behind the scenes, and binding Israel alone with the Oslo commitments and their derivatives. More importantly, Israeli outlines and analyzes the basic and seemingly unbridgeable points of contention that remain: security, refugees, settlements, water, borders, and the status of Jerusalem itself.

Israel: a history 25/09/2013 -

Martin Gilbert
Israel: a history
Barnes & Nobles

Israel is a small and relatively young country, but its turbulent history has placed it squarely at the centre of the world stage for most of this century. For two millennia the Jews, dispersed all over the world, prayed for a return to Zion. Until the nineteenth century, that dream seemed a fantasy, but then a secular Zionist movement was born and soon the initial trickle of Jewish immigrants to Palestine turned into a flood as Jews fled persecution in Europe.From these beginnings, Martin Gilbert traces the events and personalities that would lead to the sudden, dramatic declaration of Statehood in May 1948. From that point on, Israel's history has been dominated by conflict: Suez, the Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War, the Lebanon and the Intifada. Using contemporary documents and eyewitness accounts, drawing on his own intimate knowledge of the country and its people, Martin Gilbert weaves together a seamless, page-turning history of a powerful and proud nation,with a new chapter to cover the last ten years, bringing the story right up to date: the continuing conflicts, and the ever-present avenues of hope.

Approaching an Auschwitz Survivor 31/01/2011 -

Jurgen Matthaus
Approaching an Auschwitz Survivor
Oxford University Press

Among sources on the Holocaust, survivor testimonies reflect both the personality of the narrator and the conditions and perceptions prevailing at the time of narration.. This book represents a departure, bringing Holocaust experts Atina Grossmann, Konrad Kwiet and Jurgen Matthaus together to analyze the testimony of one Holocaust survivor; Helen Zippi Spitzer Tichauer was sent to Auschwitz in 1942, she met her future husband in a DP camp and they moved to New York in the 1960s. Beginning in 1946, Zippi devoted many hours to talking with a small group of scholars about her life. Her wide-ranging interviews are uniquely suited to raise questions on the meaning and use of survivor testimony. This book's new, multifaceted approach toward Zippi's unique story combined with the authors' analysis of key aspects of Holocaust memory, its forms and its functions, makes it a rewarding and fascinating read.

Lettera a un amico antisionista 24/01/2011 -

Pierluigi Battista
Lettera a un amico antisionista

“Lascia che le mie parole echeggino nel profondo della tua anima: quando qualcuno attacca il sionismo, intende gli ebrei” — Martin Luther King.
A più di sessant’anni dalla Seconda guerra mondiale, l’antisemitismo si declina nel dibattito politico e si annida nelle coscienze in modo subdolo, grazie a chi dichiarandosi pacifista si nasconde dietro la bandiera dell’antisionismo per condannare sempre e comunque la politica di Israele, con tanto di boicottaggi nei supermercati, nelle università e nello sport. In questo saggio imperdibile indirizzato a tanti antisemiti il giornalista invita a riflettere. Perché dietro la buonafede o le belle parole di chi si finge imparziale, dietro l’irresponsabile conformismo, dietro tanta virtuosa indignazione si cela un vecchio cancro ideologico che ha già fatto milioni di vittime.

L’ebreo errante è arrivato 17/01/2011 -

Albert Londres
L’ebreo errante è arrivato
Bollati Boringhieri

Nel 1929 Albert Londres, giornalista francese, parte alla scoperta degli Ebrei, per incarico del quotidiano "Petit Parisien". L'inchiesta lo porta da Londra alla Russia subcarpatica, poi in Transilvania, in Bessarabia, in Bucovina, in Galizia, dove visita gli insediamenti ebraici, testimoniando le difficili condizioni di vita e il diffondersi dell'ideologia sionista. Poi da Varsavia, vera capitale ebraica in Europa, segue le vie delle navi di emigranti verso la Terra promessa. E' alla fine del viaggio, nel vivo del progetto sionista della neonata Tel Aviv, a Gerusalemme, Hebron, Safed, che Londres registra il "dramma dell'idealismo" alle sue prime battute cruente, tra "focolare nazionale ebraico", rivolta araba e ignavia dell'Occidente.

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