2002-01-25 Il colpevole è sempre Sharon!...
I media accusano Sharon aldilà delle prove
Data: 23/01/2002
Pagina: 1
Autore: un giornalista
Titolo: Sospetti su Israele per l'omicidio di Hobeika, accusato della strage di Sabra e Shatila
Malgrado l'assassinio di Hobeika sia stato rivendicato da un gruppo libanese che si oppone alla occupazione siriana, stamattina 25.1 tutti i media lasciano capire che il mandante possa essere stato Sharon. Un esempio a caso, L'Unità,ma potremmo mettere le testate di tutti.

Questo e' l'articolo de l'Unita':
Sospetti su Israele per l'omicidio di Hobeika, accusato della strage di Sabra e Shatila
di red.

L'esplosione di una autobomba ha ucciso giovedì mattina a Beirut un ex ministro ed ex "signore della guerra" libanese, Elie Hobeika, coinvolto con il
premier israeliano Ariel Sharon nel massacro di profughi palestinesi del campo di Sabra e Shatila compiuto a Beirut il 16 e 17 settembre 1982. Tra 1500 e 2500 persone (il numero esatto non è mai stato determinato) morirono trucidate dalle milizie maronite alleate di Israele. Per questa strage, è attualmente in corso in Belgio in processo contro il premier israeliano Ariel Sharon. La decisione del tribunale in questione sull'ammissibilità della causa è attesa per il prossimo 6 marzo. Hobeika aveva detto di sentirsi «minacciato» e di avere «rivelazioni» da fare sui massacri di Sabra e Shatila, durante un incontro segreto avuto martedì con senatori belgi in LIbano. Lo ha detto alla France Presse uno di questi senatori, Josy Dubié.
Il ministro per i rifugiati libanese, Marwan Hamadeh, ha accusato senza mezzi termini Israele di essere dietro la morte di Elie Hobeika. Secondo Hamadeh, l'uccisione di Hobeika è collegata al tentativo di portare il premier israeliano Ariel Sharon davanti alla giustizia belga con l'accusa di crimini contro l'umanità. «La mia opinione iniziale - ha detto Hamadeh ai giornalisti - è che naturalmente Israele non vuole testimoni a carico in questo storico procedimento in Belgio che certamente riconoscerebbe la colpevolezza di Sharon».
(ma Hubeikah non era un testimone ma l'assasino che ha comandato la strage!)
L'esplosione del potente ordigno, nel quartiere di Hazmieh alla periferia Est della capitale, ha inoltre causato la morte del figlio e di altre quattro persone. Gli edifici circostanti sono stati gravemente danneggiati dalla carica esplosiva che si stima fosse di almeno cento chili e che sarebbe stata collocata sull'auto dello stesso Hobeika, una Range Rover. Hobeika, che aveva 45 anni, nel corso della guerra civile libanese era stato leader della milizia cristiana filo-israeliana denominata "Forze Libanesi" (LF). Verso la metà degli anni '80, egli cambio però alleanze, si affiancò alla Siria, e divenne ministro per l'elettricità e membro del parlamento quando Damasco impose militarmente la fine della guerra civile, nel 1990.

(falso- Robert Hatem, braccio destro e guardia del corpo di Hubeikah ha testimoniato che quando effetuò il massacro di Sabra e Shatilah, Hubeikah era al servizio dei siriani ed ha effetuato il massacro sotto ordine preciso dei servizi segreti siriani- tutti i detagli nei capitoli 7 e 8 al sito:
per chi vuole approfondire, ecco in inglese il servizio di Ha' aretz,quotidiano della sinistra israeliana, sempre critico verso il governo e Sharon in particolare.

Thursday, January 24, 2002 Shvat 11, 5762 Israel Time: 23:47 (GMT+2)
10:31 24/01/2002 Last update - 21:15 24/01/2002
Anti-Syria Lebanese group says it killed former militia leader
By Daniel Sobelman, Ha'aretz Correspondent and Agencies

A leaflet issued in the name of an anti-Syrian Lebanese group claimed responsibility for the death Thursday morning of Elie Hobeika, a former Lebanese minister and leader of the Israeli-backed militia involved in the 1982 Sabra and Chatila massacre of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

The statement said that the former warlord had betrayed his country and was a Syrian agent. Hobeika was killed when a bomb in a car detonated next to his jeep as he was about to drive away from his home.

The claim, made in a statement in Arabic by a group calling itself the "Lebanese For a Free and Independent Lebanon," was faxed to Reuters in Cyprus. It was not immediately possible to verify the claim and there were no statements issued by known anti-Syrian Lebanese groups.

"One of our units carried out the death sentence this morning against the Syrian agent Elie Hobeika who has sold out Lebanon and the Lebanese and became an effective tool in the hands of Syria's Lebanon's 'governor' Ghazi Kenaan," said the statement signed by the group.

Ghazi Kenaan is the head of Syria's military intelligence in Lebanon, where Damascus has an estimated 20,000 troops as well as effective political and military control in Lebanon.

The group said the assassination was a message to Syria to get out of Lebanon. It warned that Syrian President Bashar Assad would face the same fate if "he set foot in Lebanon before removing all of his troops."

Lebanese security officials said Hobeika had just entered his luxury sport utility vehicle and three bodyguards already were inside when the explosion occurred at 9:40 A.M.

Chief Military Magistrate Nasri Lahoud said four people were killed, including three of Hobeika's bodyguards, and six were wounded when a German-made Mercedes 280 car was blown up by remote control as Hobeika's vehicle passed by.

Lebanese and Palestinian officials had accused Israel of the killing. Lahoud, while touring the site of the explosion, said that the act could have been masterminded by "the Israelis."

A personal representative in southern Lebanon of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, Sultan Abu al Anian, said "Hobeika's assassination was plotted and carried out by the Israelis."

Sources in Jerusalem denied any connection to the explosion, saying the allegations were more libel against Sharon and the State of Israel.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon rejected the allegations, saying that they "aren't even worthy of a response."

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres called the accusations "totally unfounded. We have left Lebanese territory. We don't want to play [a role] there anymore."

President Emile Lahoud, in a statement, claimed Hobeika was killed to keep him from testifying before the possible war crimes trial against Sharon. Lahoud did not say who he believed was behind the killing.

The president said that Lebanon was strong and would not be affected by such crimes.

Hobeika, 45, commanded the Christian Lebanese Forces militia, which carried out the massacre of hundreds of Palestinian refugees at Beirut's Sabra and Chatila refugee camps after Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon.

The Christian militiamen went into the refugee camps after their leader, President-elect Bashir Gemayel, was assassinated in a bombing at Phalange headquarters initially blamed on the Palestinians.

It turned out that Gemayel was eliminated by the Syrians, who opposed his alliance with the Israel.

Hobeika served in several Cabinets as variously, minister of electricity, refugee resettlement, and the disabled.

A group of Palestinian survivors of the massacres have filed suit in Belgium against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who was minister of defense during the invasion of Lebanon.

The complaint filed in June with a Belgian judge demanded that Sharon be indicted for crimes against humanity in accordance with Belgian law that allows for such trials of foreigners in another country. The complaint did not mention Hobeika's role.

Hobeika said in July that he is willing to testify in the lawsuit. Hobeika said he has irrefutable proof of his innocence in the killings.

A Belgian appeals court is expected to rule on March 6 on whether Sharon should stand trial.
