22/3/02 Chi è al servizio del terrorismo?
Il terrorista suicida bomber di Gerusalemme (polizioto al servizio di Arafat)
Data: 22/03/2002
Pagina: 1
Autore: un giornalista
Titolo: un articolo
Il terrorista suicida bomber di Gerusalemme (polizioto al servizio di Arafat) fu arrestato in Febbraio 2002 su segnalazione degli israeliani, perchè aveva intenzione di eseguire un attentato. La polizia di Arafat ha chiesto ad Israele di poterlo trasferire in una "prigione sicura" a Ramallah. E' stato poi liberato subito per permettergli di eseguire il suo crimine a Gerusalemme.

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Jerusalem Post

King George bomber freed by PA last week
By Etgar Lefkovits

JERUSALEM (March 22) - The Palestinian suicide bomber who blew himself up in downtown Jerusalem yesterday afternoon was released from a Palestinian prison just last week, Israeli and Palestinian security officials said last night.

Three Israelis were killed, and 87 wounded, one critically, in the bombing on Jerusalem's downtown King George Avenue.

The suicide bomber, identified as 22-year-old former Palestinian policeman, Muhammad Hashaika, belonged to the Al-Aksa Brigades, an offshoot of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's own Fatah faction.

One of dozens of Palestinians Israel has asked the PA to arrest, the suicide bomber was taken into custody in the West Bank town of Tulkarm about two months ago.

At the time, a belt filled with explosives was found in his possession, and he told PA officials he planned to carry out an attack at a Ra'anana shopping mall.

Hashaika was transferred to Ramallah about a week ago, where PA security officials assured their Israeli counterparts that he would remain imprisoned.

However, PA quickly released him - according to some Israeli security officials he was never actually in prison in Ramallah - as part of one of the "general amnesties" the PA carried out ahead of an expected IDF operation in the city - part of their "revolving door" policy for wanted terrorists.

Yesterday, Hashaika struck - with a belt of explosives strapped around his waist.

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