29/5/02 Un capolavoro di disinformazion
un terrorista arabo-palestinese entra in Itamar, un insediamento vicino a Nablus
Data: 29/05/2002
Pagina: 1
Autore: un giornalista
Titolo: un articolo
Il Fatto: un terrorista arabo-palestinese entra in Itamar, un insediamento vicino a Nablus. Spara su 2 studenti mentre giocano a pallacanestro e li ammazza. Poi spara ad altri 3 studenti, ammazza uno di loro e ferisce gli altri 2 giovani quattordicenni.
Si legga il capolavoro di disinformazione dell' ANSA.

Dopo il testo dell'ANSA riportiamo in inglese il resoconto del quotidiano israeliano The Jerusalem Post. Da notare la differenza.

Per quanto riguarda i maggiori quotidiani italiani La Stampa e Repubblica hanno completamente ignorato la notizia. Il Corriere della Sera ha invece informato correttamente con un lungo articolo di Guido Olimpio a pag.14 (29.05-2002).

Ecco il testo dell'ANSA:


MO: Palestinese apre il fuoco su studenti, ucciso
GERUSALEMME - Un palestinese che aveva aperto il fuoco contro un gruppo di studenti di un istituto talmudico e' stato ucciso stasera nella colonia di Itamar, nei pressi di Nablus in Cisgiorania, dove era riuscito ad infiltrarsi. E' morto anche un israeliano, ucciso dai colpi d'arma da fuoco sparati dal palestinese. Lo hanno reso noto alcuni coloni residenti della regione. (ANSA).
2002-05-28 - 23:06:00

© Copyright ANSA Tutti i diritti riservati

Ecco il testo del Jerusalem Post:


May. 29, 2002
3 teens killed at Itamar yeshiva

Three yeshiva high school students were killed late last night and two were wounded when a terrorist infiltrated the community of Itamar, near Nablus, and opened fired near the yeshiva.

The community's security guard, Moshe Cohen, spotted the terrorist and shot and killed him.

The terrorists shot two of the yeshiva students as they were playing basketball outside Yeshivat Hetzim, and then entered the building and shot the other three, one of whom also died. The two wounded students were 14 years old.

Security forces searched the community to determine whether more than one terrorist participated in the attack. Residents were asked to remain inside their homes. The army dispatched a helicopter to airlift the wounded to the hospital.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon convened an urgent meeting of the security cabinet to discuss Israel's response to the latest wave of terrorist attacks.

Earlier last night a Jerusalem man was murdered and his cousin lightly wounded when at least one terrorist fired shots at their car as the two drove on the Ramallah bypass road.

Albert Maloul, 50, and his cousin Herzl Maloul, 40, were returning home to Jerusalem from Eli, where they operate the swimming pool.

Albert was hit in the head and died shortly afterward, despite frantic efforts by Magen David Adom medics dispatched from nearby Ofra.

Herzl, who drove the car, suffered fragment wounds to the back and was taken to Hadassah-University Hospital, Mount Scopus, where his condition was described as good.

The fatal shooting occurred in the same location where Ofra resident Assaf Hershkovitz was murdered a year ago.

"I was a few minutes away when I received a call on my mobile phone from a resident who accidentally called me instead of the emergency team," said Binyamin Regional Council head Pinhas Wallerstein. "I alerted the rescue units and security forces and drove to the site. The terrorists or terrorist came from either Deir Dibwan or Beitin. There is a dirt road there and from what I understood, the terrorists approached the car and shot at point-blank range and then fled back toward the villages. The driver continued until he reached the T-intersection on the Ramallah bypass road and called for assistance."

Judea and Samaria police spokesman Rafi Yafe said three bullets hit the car, but security forces were still searching for the exact location of the ambush and had not found bullet casings.

Last night, Ofra residents discussed the possibility of embarking on a string of protest activities due to the deteriorating security in the area and the fact that the attack occurred in the same place where Hershkovitz was killed.

Meanwhile, the IDF continued its operations in West Bank cities and villages, hunting down terrorists and confiscating weapons. Israel Radio reported late last night that Palestinian sources reported IDF soldiers entered Ramallah and surrounded the home of a wanted Hamas man. Troops operated yesterday in Jenin, Kalkilya, Bethlehem and its environs, and Tulkarm.

Since the conclusion of Operation Defensive Shield, the army has carried out similar operations daily based on intelligence information gleaned from captured terrorists.

In Jenin, security forces arrested 11 Palestinians, including eight fugitives described by security officials as "ticking bombs" and one who was on the verge of perpetrating a suicide attack. Among those arrested was the recently appointed head of Hamas in the city, Rami Awad.

Border police and soldiers came under fire as they surrounded a house in the casbah belonging to Awad's relatives, where he was known to be hiding. Soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian spotted fleeing from the building.

Security forces said those arrested are affiliated with the Hamas or Islamic Jihad, which have dispatched more than 20 suicide bombers from the Jenin area, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The operation in the city began at around 3 a.m. when border policemen and Golani Brigade soldiers, accompanied by tanks and armored personnel carriers, took up positions in several buildings and conducted house-to-house searches in specific areas.

By midafternoon, the security forces had completed the operation and pulled out of the city, redeploying on its outskirts and imposing a blockade.

In Bethlehem, security forces arrested 28 Palestinians suspected of terrorist activities. Four were arrested in the city center, where soldiers found one had a bomb in his possession. IDF sappers detonated it.

In the Dehaishe refugee camp, soldiers confiscated two Kalashnikov rifles, two sniper rifles, and hundreds of bullets and ammunition clips. Security forces also arrested a number of Palestinians suspected of terrorist activities in Hebron and on the outskirts of Kalkilya.

Last night, IDF forces remained in Bethlehem and Kalkilya, and forces deployed on the outskirts of Tulkarm continued conducting operations inside the town from time to time.

Invitiamo i lettori di Informazione Corretta ad inviare lettere di protesta alla agenzia ANSA. Alla Stampa e a Repubblica per non avere pubblicato nulla sulla tragedia avvenuta, e ad inviare un plauso al Corriere della Sera per avere pubblicato un buon servizio.
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