Domande inquietanti
Abu Mazen,un passato che speriamo sia passato
Data: 11/05/2003
Pagina: 0
Autore: Joseph Farah
Titolo: A proposito di Roadmap
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Tuesday, May 6, 2003
Roadmap to nowhere

By Joseph Farah

© 2003

Does Abu Mazen really have them fooled?

Does President Bush really believe Yasser Arafat's new prime minister is any different than his boss of 35 years?

Do the Israelis really think the man who financed and approved of the Munich Olympics terrorist attack is a trustworthy partner for peace?

In case you missed it, President Bush has committed the U.S. to an international plan that would create a Palestinian state by 2005.

Having just destroyed one terrorist state in Iraq, the president apparently feels it is incumbent upon him to create another in the fantasy land of Palestine.

President Bush believes the appointment of Abu Mazen as prime minister of the Palestinian Authority is enough to ensure an end to Arab terrorism against Israel is near.

But Mazen's hands are not bloodless. The mastermind of the Munich Olympics massacre, Mohammed Daoud Oudeh, says it was Mazen who provided the money for the attack. Arafat and Mazen both kissed him on the cheeks before he set off to kill 11 Israeli athletes.

It's also important to hear what Oudeh had to say about the group he commanded on that attack. The terrorist group Black September launched the assault. But the top operative explains the organization was simply a new name for terrorists working under the Fatah umbrella – directly under the orders of Arafat and Mazen.

Today, we hear still that Arafat and Mazen just simply can't control all the terrorism conducted by more radical groups. Yet, one of the most active terror groups in the world today is the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, claiming responsibility once again for the latest suicide bomb attack at a Tel Aviv cafe last week. What is the Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade? It is not a cell of al-Qaida. It is not a cell of Hamas. It is not a cell of Hezbollah. It is, however, a cell of Fatah – the same organization founded and directed by Arafat and Mazen for nearly 40 years.

In other words, Arafat and Mazen are playing the same game they were playing in 1972. They call it "plausible deniability." I call it "implausible gullibility."

Why are seemingly intelligent people in Washington and Jerusalem falling for this charade? I don't get it.

Not only is Mazen an unrepentant terrorist, he has even pushed a theory that suggests the Jews conspired with Hitler to create the Holocaust to justify the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East.

In 1983, he wrote "The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and the Zionist Movement," claiming Jews collaborated with the Nazis to murder other Jews in a plot to gain sympathy for the creation of the state of Israel.

Nevertheless, it is Mazen who is considered the guide to lead Palestinian Arabs to the promised land of statehood. Once this is achieved, goes the logic, Palestinian Arabs will be happy and content and have no further incentive to commit acts of terrorism.

But this, too, is faulty logic. Most Palestinian Arabs do not want the tiny slivers of land they are being offered in the new roadmap plan. They want all of Israel. They want Jerusalem. They want to drive the Jews from the Middle East. Giving such people a beachhead is not only a strategic mistake, it is an undeserved reward for terrorism – and it will come back to bite the United States of America.

Let me state this ever so plainly: Yasser Arafat and Abu Mazen are evil people. They cooperated with Saddam Hussein throughout both the Persian Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom. As I report in the latest issue of G2 Bulletin, there is substantial evidence to suggest the Palestinian embassy in Iraq knows plenty about where Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were hidden.

If U.S.-led forces in Iraq are really serious about finding weapons of mass destruction, they might want to check in with the Palestinian Authority embassy in Baghdad.

According to G2 Bulletin sources and Iraqi opposition groups, the PA's embassy in Iraq was used for years as a repository for secret documents that relate to Iraq's buildup of unconventional weapons.

Sources said the site's diplomatic immunity kept the documents beyond the reach of U.N. arms inspectors for years and may still present a hurdle for U.S.-led forces.

The documents relate to the purchase of raw materials required for Iraq's manufacture and deployment of weapons of mass destruction. The PA embassy is situated in Yasser Arafat's private residence in Baghdad, a heavily guarded palatial structure well inside a compound.

One of the Iraqi opposition groups' American sympathizers, who worked with them in London from 1991 to 1994 and resumed activity on their behalf in Washington, said the hidden documents refer to Iraq's chemical weapons, VX nerve gas, "and possibly nuclear arms."

Can I ask a stupid question? If Arafat was condoning this kind of subterfuge in Iraq, why aren't we demanding some answers from him now, rather than rolling out the red carpet of statehood? If Arafat knows anything about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or is hiding documents on them, why are we giving him the time of day? Why hasn't he been arrested or eliminated in our war on terror?


Joseph Farah's nationally syndicated column originates at WorldNetDaily, where he serves as editor and chief executive officer. If you would like to see the column in your local newspaper, contact your local editor. Tell your paper the column is available through Creators Syndicate.