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Testata: La Repubblica
Data: 03/05/2003
Pagina: 0
Autore: la redazione on line
Titolo: Powell in Siria a colloquio con Assad
Con una mossa senza precedenti nella diplomazia internazionale, il segretario di stato americano Colin Powell ha accusato il dittatore siriano Bashar Assad di raccontare bugie e di appoggiare il terrorismo.
Confrontare come riferisce il fatto una TV americana (foxnews) , La BBC inglese, Il New York Times tramite L'agenzia AP e come "la stessa" notizia viene addomesticata ed addolcita da Repubblica:,2933,85853,00.html

Powell Arrives in Syria for Talks on Iraq

Friday, May 02, 2003

DAMASCUS, Syria — Accusing Syria of past deception about its Iraqi oil pipeline, Secretary of State Colin Powell (search) said Friday that future relations hinge on whether Damascus takes sincere action toward becoming a Middle East peace partner.

Powell arrived in the Syrian capital Friday evening for tough talks with President Bashar Assad and Foreign Minister Farouk al-Sharaa about the implications for Syria (search) in the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime and the emergence of a U.S.-backed road map toward peace between Israel and Palestinians.

Al-Shaara greeted Powell at the airport and accompanied him to his hotel; Assad (search) and Powell are to meet Saturday.

As his plane coursed toward Damascus, Powell told reporters that he doesn't expect immediate results from these sessions, but will study closely the actions of Assad's government in the weeks and months that follow.

"The real test of the discussion will come not tomorrow or the next day but in the days ahead, after they've had a chance to reflect and we've had a chance to reflect," Powell said.

He said he intends to bring up a rack of U.S. allegations that Syria supports terrorism, that it sent technology and fighters to Iraq and gave haven to Iraqi officials as Saddam's rule dissolved. He also planned to call attention to the offices kept in Syria by several Palestinian factions, including the militant Islamic Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which the Bush administration has classified as terrorist organizations.

The Syrians have denied that the Damascus offices are used for planning attacks against Israel. But Powell will expect the Syrians to make clear to the groups that if they cross the line, they will be expelled.

Powell said he hasn't forgotten assurances Assad gave him two years ago that oil from Iraq was not flowing through a pipeline to Syria. Those assurances proved false, and that open pipeline gave Iraq extra revenue, and Syria oil at below-market rates — all of which flouted a U.N. program that allowed Iraq to sell oil as long as the proceeds went to help the Iraqi people.

"I will always have that lying in my background software and on my hard drive," Powell said..........

Powell takes warning to Syria
US Secretary of State Colin Powell has arrived in Syria for talks in which he will press Damascus to address US concerns about support for "terrorist" groups....

May 2, 2003
Powell Accuses Syria of Past Deceptions

Filed at 5:18 p.m. ET

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -- Accusing Syria of past deception about its Iraqi oil pipeline, Secretary of State Colin Powell said Friday that future relations hinge on whether Damascus takes sincere action toward becoming a Middle East peace partner....

...He said he intends to bring up a rack of U.S. allegations that Syria supports terrorism, that it sent technology and fighters to Iraq and gave haven to Iraqi officials as Saddam's rule dissolved. He also planned to call attention to the offices kept in Syria by several Palestinian factions, including the militant Islamic Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which the Bush administration has classified as terrorist organizations....

Ecco invece la versione di Repubblica:

Damasco, 23:25
Iraq, Powell in Siria a colloquio con Assad

Il segretario di Stato americano Colin Powell è arrivato a tarda sera a Damasco, dove lo aspettano difficili colloqui con il presidente siriano Bashar al-Assad, sulla pacificazione del Medio Oriente, sull'Iraq e sui legami del regime siriano con formazioni di milizie anti-israeliane. (
"Gli spiegherò molto chiaramente come gli Stati Uniti considerano il cambiamento della situazione nella regione - ha dichiarato Powell ai giornalisti - con la caduta del regime di Saddam Hussein e con il tracciato da seguire per la pacificazione del Medio Oriente. Gli spiegherò come queste due cose sono collegate".(red)

Naturalmente i gruppi terroristi vengono sempre chiamati "milizie" da Repubblica,che questa volta, per didinformare i suoi lettori, stravolge addiritturai fatti avvenuti.

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