Incomprensione totale o disinformazione deliberata?
Filippo Landi distorce le dichiarazioni di un consigliere di Sharon
Testata: TG 3
Data: 29/09/2005
Pagina: 1
Autore: Filippo Landi
Titolo: Notizie da Israele e Anp
Un consigliere di Sharon, Eyal Arad ha dichiarato ieri 28 settembre 2005 con che in mancanza di partners per il dialogo, gli israeliani dovrebbero prendere in considerazione un ulteriore ritiro uni laterale.
Oggi, 29 settembre, lo stesso Sharon ha smentito il proprio consigliere come si puo' leggere su YNET, riportato qui in basso.
Sempre oggi, sul TG3 delle 14 25 Landi ha riferito invece che :"il consigliere di Sharon ha prospetato l'annessione di parti della cisgiordania ( Giudea e Samaria) mentre Sharon ha smentito queste parole."
Il travisamento, volontario o involontario, di Landi è dunque completo.
Di seguito, l'articolo di YNETSharon: Road Map only viable plan
Prime minister dismisses his advisor’s remarks regarding possibility that Israel would consider another disengagement in the future; says, ‘U.S. representatives expressed their astonishment at the possibility that Israel would change the agreed-upon plan’
Diana Bahur-Nir
The Road Map for Peace is the only viable diplomatic plan, and we will not advance any others, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Thursday.
Sharon, speaking at the Israeli Center for Administration conference in Tel Aviv, addressed the statements made by his advisor Eyal Arad, who said that another disengagement should be considered in the future.
"Yesterday (Wednesday) a baseless rumor spread as though Israel will examine other diplomatic plans," the prime minister said. "There is only the Road Map; it is the only plan that exists, and there is no better plan for Israel’s future."
Sharon added that he had to put many people at ease following his advisor’s remarks.
"On Wednesday several ambassadors phone the Prime Minister’s Office to find out whether there is another plan. U.S. representatives expressed their astonishment at the possibility that Israel would change the agreed-upon plan," he said.
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