E' un pellegrino palestinese di ritorno dalla Mecca ad aver ucciso una bambina a Rafah
ma si continua ad accusare Israele
Data: 02/02/2005
Pagina: 1
Autore: la redazione
Titolo: Notizie da Israele e Anp
Nonstante i palestinesi abbiano riconosciuto che a uccidere una bambina di dieci anni a Rafah, Norhan Deeb, è stato un pellegrino musulmano di ritorno dalla Mecca, i mezzi di communicazione arabi continuano ad accusare Israele, come ha fatto oggi anche RAI NEWS 24 trasmesa su RAI 3.Certi pregiudizi sono duri a morire.
Riportiamo dal sito Imra.org l'articolo (in inglese) sulle accuse mosse a Israele dala radio palestinese "Voice of Palestine", nostatnte l'Anp fosse a conoscenza della verità.


Tuesday, 01 February, 2005

Palestinian Broadcasters continued accusing Israel of killing school girl
Noran Deeb, 10, on Monday, even though Palestinian officials have privately
admitted that the girl was killed by Palestinian Muslim pilgrims returning
from Mecca, firing celebratory shots in the air.

"Israel continued its attacks against our people today that began with
the killing of Noran Deeb yesterday," asserted senior Voice of Palestine
anchorman Nizar al-Ghul during the daily evening news round-up (9PM
Jerusalem, 2PM NY).

The Palestinian charges of Israeli murder of the young school girl have
been repeated many times on the air by Palestinian officials and were seized
upon by the HAMAS organization which has fired more than a dozen mortar and
missile rounds at Israeli communities inside Gaza over the last few days.

Even as VOP radio announcer Al-Ghul renewed Palestinian charges of
Israeli cruelty, Israel Television's Channel One reported Tuesday night
(9-PM Jerusalem, 2-PM NY) that the Palestinian Authority had acknowledged
that it was wrong in charging that Israel was responsible for killing a
young girl in Gaza.

Dr. Michael Widlanski teaches political communication at the Rothberg School
of the Hebrew University.
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