Ecco i fatti: un giornalista, amico personale e consigliere di Arafat, è stato assassinato ieri nella striscia di Gaza, come atto di sfida nei confronti di Arafat e del suo regime.
Non riusciamo trovare questa notizia sui maggiori siti italiani: non c'è su Ansa né sul sito di Repubblica, neppure su quello del Corriere.
A questo punto ci domandiamo: ma se lo stesso giornalista fosse stato colpito per errore durante uno scontro a fuoco con gli israeliani, gli stessi media avrebbero ugualmente giudicato la notizia meno di niente ?
Ecco la notizia riportata da altri giornali non italiani:" The New York Times "
Arafat Adviser Murdered in Gaza City
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) -- Gunmen shot and killed a well-known adviser to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in Gaza City early Tuesday, security officials said,
Khalid al-Zaben was the best-known Palestinian to be killed in what appears to be growing power struggles in Gaza City. There is concern that with the weakening of Arafat's Palestinian Authority and a planned Israeli pullout from most of the Gaza Strip, a chaotic situation might result, with Islamic militant groups angling for power there.
Al-Zaben, 59, was hit by 12 bullets as he left his office in the Sabra neighborhood, hospital and security officials said.
In other recent internal strife, rival groups opened fire on each other after an armed man slapped the police chief. A policeman was killed in the exchange that followed.
That conflict involved Arafat's forces and men loyal to Gaza strongman Mohammed Dahlan, an Arafat rival. Later, Arafat and Dahlan met in an attempt to stop the violence.
Al-Zaben published a weekly magazine devoted to Palestinian affairs and human rights. He joined forces with Arafat in the 1960s and had one been his media adviser and personal secretary.
He returned to Gaza along with Arafat and other exiled Palestinian leaders in 1994, under terms of Israeli-Palestinian interim peace accords.
Two of his brothers are Palestinian ambassadors in South America, and his son works as an airline pilot there. He is also survived by his wife and three daughters.
There is concern that with the weakening of Arafat's Palestinian Authority and a planned Israeli pullout from most of the Gaza Strip, a chaotic situation might result, with Islamic militant groups angling for power there.
On Friday, the mayor of Nablus, the largest city on the West Bank, said he was resigning, citing frustrations over rising lawlessness in the West Bank's largest city.
Mayor Ghassan Shakaa told The Associated Press he has submitted his resignation to Arafat to protest inaction by Palestinian leaders and security forces to stop the chaos.
The Palestinians' police forces have been weakened during more than three years of fighting with Israel. With no real authority on the streets, gangs and rival clans wage deadly gunbattles, while militants have kidnapped and beaten government officials.
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Arafat Confidant Assassinated in Gaza
( A senior aide to Yasser Arafat, Khalil el-Zabin, was assassinated during the night in Gaza, sources within the PA are reporting. The long-time Arafat aide has been with the PA leader since the 1960s and served as his personal assistant. He was found dead with 12 bullet wounds.
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