Lotta armata a Gaza. Ecco alcuni siti internet a confronto:
Dalla radio dell'esercito israeliano:
riferisce di una battaglia tra terroristi palestinesi e soldati israeliani a Gaza. Ecco la traduzione della notizia dall'ebraico:
Almeno nove palestinesi, tra cui un bambino di 11 anni, sono stati uccisi stamattina dai soldati israeliani nella striscia di Gaza. Lo riferiscono fonti palestinesi. La Jihad islamica ha riferito che almeno cinque suoi membri sono stati uccisi nella battaglia.
Fonti dell'esercito israeliano hanno riferito che i soldati israeliani hanno notato dei palestinesi armati in movimento verso di loro, perciò hanno aperto il fuoco colpendo alcuni di loro.
Il tenente colonnello Udi, comandante dell'unità, ha detto alla radio militare: "Tutti gli uccisi erano armati, abbiamo identificato terroristi che portavano mitraglie, missili anticarro, e RPG.". Il generale Adam ha confermato che tutti quelli colpiti erano dei terroristi armati.
Vediamo ora come i media italiani hanno dato la notizia. Cominciamo con l'Ansa:
http://www.ansa.it/rubriche/mondo/2004-01-28_758714.htmlMO: Gaza, palestinesi uccisi, il numero sale a tredici
(ANSA) - GAZA, 28 GEN - E' salito a 13 il numero di palestinesi uccisi nel corso di violenti scontri con soldati israeliani alla periferia di Gaza citta'. Lo ha riferito la radio militare israeliana sul suo sito online.
La radio israeliana ( e poi oggi anche molti giornali) parla di 9 morti, non 13Si è trattata di un'incursione dell'esercito israeliano nella striscia di Gaza. Secondo fonti palestinesi, una grande unità militare israeliana che si spostava da sud in direzione nord avrebbe aperto il fuoco contro un gruppo di palestinesi, che in apparenza erano armati.
Anche se il corrispondente ANSA cita una fonte israeliana, scrive cose diverse rispetto alla fonte citata. Infatti, se la radio miltare riferisce di terroristi armati di missili anticarro, RPG emitralglie, l'ANSA si limita a dire che sono "in apparenza" armati. Se non è disinformazione, cosa è?
E il Corriere.it riporta così la notizia:
http://www.corriere.it/ultima_ora/agrnews.jsp?id={62189054-AB58-4834-9EEF-053B2DFC8C54}Medioriente: scontri sulla striscia di Gaza, uccisi 13 attivisti palestinesi
attivisti?GAZA - Tredici palestinesi sono morti, secondo fonti palestinesi, in seguito a un raid delle truppe israeliane a Gaza, capitale della Striscia. L'operazione e' scattata nei pressi dell'insediamento ebraico di Netzarim, a seguito di un attacco degli attivisti palestinesi con missili anticarro, contro le forze armate dello Stato ebraico.
ma, ripetiamo, un "attivista" che attacca con missili anticarro e non porta la divisa, non è forse un terrorista?In questo primo scontro, due palestinesi sono rimasti sul terreno. Poco dopo, secondo fonti locali israeliane, le truppe israeliane appoggiate da mezzi blindati sono entrate a Gaza dove e' scoppiata una violenta sparatoria nel corso della quale sono rimasti uccisi altri sei miliziani palestinesi
prima attivisti, ora miliziani.
Il sito del Corriere poi riferisce in modo corretto la notizia di una bomba legata ad un telefonino, scoperta nei parcheggi sotterranei delle torri Arzieli di Tel Aviv:
E' una notizia che per qualche strano motivo non appare sul sito dell'Ansa.
Ora tocca al sito dell'Unità:
http://www.unita.it/index.asp?SEZIONE_COD=HP&TOPIC_TIPO=&TOPIC_ID=32445I palestinesi denunciano: i morti di al-Zeitun sono stati giustiziati?
Una strage. Tredici palestinesi, secondo la radio israeliana,sono morti stamane nel raid condotto dall’esercito nel sobborgo di al-Zeitun, nella parte meridionale di Gaza.
Una falsità già in prima riga: nessuna fonte israeliana parla di 13 morti
La notizia è stata poi confermata anche dalle fonti sanitarie palestinesi. Che però parlano di otto morti. Ma la denuncia dei palestinesi è molto, molto più drammatica: almeno sei delle vittime sarebbero state ritrovate con una sola ferita di arma da fuoco alla testa o alla base del collo.
Questi sei terroristi erano "solo" armati fino ai denti. C'è forse un'altra alternativa per combatterli difendendosi?
Esattamente, come se si fosse trattato di una esecuzione. I portavoce dell'esercito con la Stella di Davide hanno però negato decisamente questa ricostruzione: a detta dei militari di Tel Aviv, le truppe israeliane hanno sparato contro un gruppo di uomini armati che si stava avvicinando al loro blindato e che tutti i colpi sono partiti dall'interno del mezzo
ancora luoghi comuni: l'esercito è israeliano, non "con la Stella di Davide". Poi: perchè militari proprio di Tel Aviv? perchè non di Haifa? Ci vuole tanto sapere che la capitale è Gerusalemme? Non lo sa Furio Colombo che quando non era all'Unità lo scriveva sempre correttamente? Nevvero, Colombo?In ogni caso, il massacro, ha inasprito una situazione di per sè già tesa. Fra le prime, durissime, è artrivata la reazione dei vertici dell'Anp. «Il governo israeliano deve assumersi la responsabilità di questo massacro», ha detto Nabil Abu Rudeina, principale consigliere di Yasser Arafat, «che punta a innescare una spirale e a sabotare gli sforzi di pace degli arabi e della comunità internazionale». Rudeina ha anche lanciato un «appello al Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite perchè fermi immediatamente le violenze».
Il massacro di oggi - il più grave da quando, un mese fa, un raid nel campo profughi di Rafah fece 9 vittime - getta un'ombra sinistra anche sull'incontro del premier palestinese, Abu Ala, con l'inviato della Casa Bianca, John Wolf.
Accompagnato da David Setterfield, alto funzionario del Dipartimento di stato, Wolf è incaricato di sovrintendere alla sempre più difficile applicazione della roadmap, o di ciò che resta della roadmap. Dal summit di Ramallah, durante il quale si discuterà anche della gestione della sicurezza nei territori palestinesi, è stato escluso Arafat, considerato dall'amministrazione statunitense «un ostacolo alla pace».
Finora abbiamo presentato notizie date dai media italiani, ora diamo un'occhiata al sito di The New York Times (in inglese):
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Israel-Palestinians.html9 Palestinians Killed in Fighting With Israeli Troops in Gaza
si noti il numero di terroristi uccisi secondo il sito americano
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) -- Eight Palestinians were killed Wednesday during some of the fiercest fighting in Gaza in months, complicating efforts by visiting American envoys to revive peace talks.
The gunbattles between Israeli troops and Palestinian militants turned one Gaza neighborhood into a war zone. As paramedics tended to the wounded, militants scrambled through the streets hoisting rocket launchers. A group of boys took cover behind a tin shack as gunfire crackled down a street.
At least five of the dead were armed men, including four from the Islamic Jihad group and one from Hamas; three were believed to be bystanders, hospital officials said. Confusion in identifying victims led hospital officials to report initially that nine had been killed.
The fighting erupted near the Jewish settlement of Netzarim, in the heart of the teeming Gaza Strip.
The army said militants fired anti-tank missiles and set off a bomb, prompting the troops to fire back. Two Palestinians were killed in the incident, said Dr. Moawia Hassanain, a Palestinian hospital official.
Later, the army entered a Gaza City neighborhood near Netzarim, and a fierce battle flared between troops and gunmen. Six other Palestinians were killed, and several were wounded, Dr. Hassanain said. The military said no Israeli soldiers were wounded.
As two Israeli tanks rumbled slowly along one road, a rocket-propelled grenade whizzed just a few yards in front of the two vehicles, leaving a streak of white smoke. The tanks swiveled their barrels and fired machine guns.
The fighting came as U.S. envoys John Wolf and David Satterfield met with Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia. The envoys, who were to meet Israeli officials as well, are trying to revive stalled peace negotiations.
Qureia said the American officials also demanded that he soon meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Qureia has balked at a summit with the Israeli leader until he gets assurances that it will produce results.
``We told them, 'OK, help in the preparation for the meeting,''' Qureia told reporters. ``We are not against it. If there is a successful meeting, a meeting with good indications for our people, we are ready.''
The meetings came a day after Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher met Yasser Arafat and other Palestinian leaders in an effort to get militant groups to declare a halt to attacks on Israelis.
``There are serious efforts to revive peace efforts by the Americans and the Egyptians ... This (Gaza incursion) will undermine the efforts,'' Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat said.
Despite an overall lull in more than three years of Israeli-Palestinian violence, Gaza has been the scene of fierce fighting in recent months.
In October, nine Palestinians were killed in fighting in the Rafah refugee camp, a flashpoint near the Egypt-Gaza border. A few days later, 14 Palestinians were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Nusseirat refugee camp. Last month, 11 Palestinians were killed in two separate Israeli army raids on the Rafah camp.
Islamic Jihad vowed to avenge Wednesday's killings of its gunmen, among them two local military commanders.
The Hamas militant group said the ``barbaric Zionist aggression is a greeting and a reception for the American delegation.''
Thousands filled Gaza streets for funeral processions later Wednesday. Gunmen fired weapons into the air and women watched from balconies as bodies wrapped tightly in flags of Islamic groups were carried above the crowd on stretchers.
Sharon has pledged to impose a new boundary on the Palestinians if peace efforts do not bear fruit in the coming months. He has not yet released details of the separation plan but has said it would include dismantling Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza.
In the latest sign that Sharon is pushing forward with the separation plan, settler leaders said Wednesday that Sharon's office has proposed dismantling seven isolated settlements that have been frequent targets of Palestinian attacks.
The list would reportedly include Netzarim, the heavily fortified enclave near the scene of Wednesday's violence.
Although Sharon denied making any offer, settler leader Pinchas Wallerstein said the prime minister's office chief had floated the proposal.
``Avigdor Yitzhaki met three of my colleagues, each one separately,'' Wallerstein told Army Radio.
In exchange for settlers leaving, the government would guarantee that no other settlements would be uprooted until a peace treaty is reached with the Palestinians, Israeli media reported. Shaul Goldstein, another settler leader, said the proposal was rejected.
Sharon, for decades the main advocate of settlement expansion, said Tuesday that reports about the proposal were ``wrong.''
``I have no intention of passing such a law that would tie the hands of the government,'' he added.
If the evacuation occurs, it would be the first time Israel dismantled an officially sanctioned settlement in the West Bank or Gaza Strip.
Sharon was scheduled to meet Wednesday with Giora Eiland, his National Security Council chief, to give him instructions for the designation of a ``security line'' that Israel will impose, the Haaretz daily reported.
E dal sito di Jerusalem Post, sempre in inglese:
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1075263103362Nine Palestinians killed in fierce battle with IDF in Gaza
Anche per JP sono nove i terroristi uccisi, non tredici come afferma l'AnsaIDF troops killed at least nine Palestinians in Gaza Strip Wednesday according to Palestinian reports.
According to the reports, all but one of the Palestinians killed were combatants. At least four of them are confirmed to have been Islamic Jihad members.
No IDF troops were hurt in the battle.
The gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian combatants turned one Gaza neighborhood into a war zone. As paramedics tended to the wounded, fighters scrambled through the streets hoisting rocket launchers. A group of boys took cover behind a tin shack as gunfire crackled down a street.
Shimshon Batallion commander Lt.- Col. Udi said the IDF operation carried out in the north Gaza Strip near Netzarim was to restrict the movement of terrorist activities in the area.
"According to initial findings I can say that all the terrorists that were hit were armed with personal weapons, grenade launchers and machine guns or attempted to detonate bombs," he said in a briefing with reporters.
"All those hit were involved in some kind of attack against out troops," he added. Ben Muha said the operation was launched because of the escalation of terrorist activities in the area in which terrorists have fired Kassam rockets, mortar shells, anti tank rocket fire at security forces and Netzarim as well as placing bombs in the area.
As two Israeli tanks rumbled slowly along one road, a rocket-propelled grenade whizzed just a few yards (meters) in front of the two vehicles, leaving a streak of white smoke. The tanks swiveled their barrels and fired machine guns.
Islamic Jihad vowed to avenge the killing Wednesday of its gunmen, among them two local military commanders.
Sheikh Abdullah Shami, a top Islamic Jihad official in the Gaza strip speaking one day after a visit by the Eggyptian envoy trying to promote a ceasefire, said that anyone speaking about a Hudna must be mad, reports ynet.
PA Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei called Israel's operation in Gaza "an ugly crime that proves the country's evil intents." Qurei spoke after meeting a US delegation to discuss the security fence, the US Road Map and means of forcing Israel to abide by it.
MK Amram Mitzna (Labor) said IDF activity in Gaza soon after the visit of the Egyptian Foreign Minister and the US Special envoy seems to be timed especially to destroy any chance of political progress. Mitzna called upon Sharon to fulfil his promises, immediately implement his disengagement plan and move out of the Gaza Strip.
Since Tuesday evening, the IDF has been operating in the northern Gaza Strip near Netzarim in order to track down terror cells operating in the area responsible for firing mortar shells and planting bombs aimed at the settlement.
During the operation forces identified armed Palestinians and shot them. In addition, an anti-tank rocket was fired and a bomb detonated near the troops. The forces also identified the location from where a number of shells were fired at Netzarim.
Palestinians fired anti-tank missiles and set off an explosive at the troops who fired back, the army said. Two Palestinians were killed in the incident, Dr. Moawia Hassan, a chief Palestinian hospital official told Associated Press.
Seven other Palestinians were killed in a battle between troops and gunmen in a Gaza City neighborhood overlooking Netzarim, and several others were wounded, Dr. Hassan said.
Since this morning, 2 shells were fired at the community, and another at a community in Gush Katif.
Shots were also fired at IDF positions near Rafah, at another near Gadid and at a post near Kfar Darom.
IDF forces arrested 10 Palestinians overnight Tuesday – an Islamic Jihad member near Gush Etziyon, a Hamas member and another Palestinian wanted for questioning south of Ramallah, two more fugitives north of Ramallah and another near Nablus. Forces also arrested four Islamic Jihad members west of Jenin.
All six were detained for questioning.
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