Uno schiaffo alla miseria
un esempio della "opulata" gestione dei fondi Anp
Data: 07/11/2003
Pagina: 1
Autore: la redazione
Titolo: 100.000 dollari al mese per la moglie di Arafat
Arafat preleva ogni mese dai fondi dell'Autorità palestinese una considerevole somma di 100.000 dollari, che poi trasferisce a Parigi per mantenere sua moglie. Intanto il suo popolo muore di fame...
Questa curiosa notizia apparirà sui media italiani? Vedremo.
Ecco la notizia pubblicata su Haaretz, in inglese: funnels $100,000 PA aid monthly to wife
An investigative report by CBS television 60 Minutes will claim that Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat transfers $100,000 a month from funds directed to the Palestinian Authority to his wife Suha.
The report, to be aired across the United States on Sunday, alleges that Suha Arafat, who lives in Paris with the couple's daughter, receives the sum on a monthly basis.
According to the report, Arafat has accumulated in his private accounts more than $800 million from aid originally appropriated to the Palestinian authority.
PA Finance Minister Salam Fayad aided in the CBS investigation. Fayad is currently trying to track down all the PA-allocated money that never reached its intended destination.