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8/2/02 Quello che i media italiani non ci comunicano
Il giornalista Aaron Lerner riporta sul giornale Ha'aretz gravi dichiarazioni di Arafat.

Perchè la stampa italiana, così prodiga nel riportare ogni citazione dell'"uomo di pace" Arafat, non accenna minimamente alle incitazioni alla guerra dello stesso?

Ecco quanto scrive Ha'aretz:

Arafat: "We will make the lives of the infidels Hell - millions of martyrs marching to Jerusalem"

Arafat: "Noi manderemo all'inferno le vite degli infedeli - milioni di martiri marceranno su Gerusalemme"

Per chi legge in inglese ecco il testo di Ha'aretz: il lettore si accorgerà così della gravità delle affermazioni di Arafat che i nostri media si guardano bene dal far conoscere.

Aaron Lerner

Date: 7 February 2002

Israel Television Channel One broadcast tonight Yasser Arafat addressing a crowd in Ramallah today with the promise that they would take Jerusalem soon and "we will make the lives of the infidels Hell." He then lead them in the chant "millions of martyrs marching to Jerusalem."

Correspondent Ehud Yaari noted that Arafat now has a set schedule: each day he first meets with Europeans and Israeli leftists and talks about his commitment to peace and then he has a rally to fire up the crowd for battle.

It should be noted that:

"infidels" does not mean "our Jewish brothers who share in the belief on monotheism"

"Hell" does not mean "a comfortably warm place for the winter"

"martyr" is not someone who "sacrifices" some of his spare time to participate in hikes in the countryside. It is someone who dies.

"marching" is not participating in a Sunday stroll.

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